Tim Garcia and

Luisa (Mendoza) Garcia

Michael Gallegos

Rick Garcia

Not only did Tim and Luisa become regular customers, Our Great Lady came out of retirement and graced Rick's Tavern with her voice, charisma, elegance, and stage presence. As she said, "You gave me something that I thought I'd never do again - and I thank you."

An amazing drummer and friend who hailed from a multi-talented musical family and performed with Rick Garcia for decades, we lost Michael in 2020, but he'll forever be in our hearts and a member of the band. Rest in peace, our brother.

Matt Bassano

"Music is my life.  Life is my music."

A versatile and incredibly talented musician whose presence can't be missed due to his mastery of the piano, guitar, accordion and harmonica - not to mention his engaging personality.

The heart and soul of the band is known for his vocal ability and stage presence. He easily engages diverse audiences by incorporating various music genres in performances.


Information: (303) 564-2520        info@rickgarciaband.com